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4 Gen-X Approved Tips for Radiant Skin

hi there! we are abbie & tonya, best friends in the business of inspiring, motivating and lifting women up


health & wellness




One of the best parts about being a Gen-Xer is feeling confident in your own skin. But natural changes that come as you near the half-time of life can shake things up and make you wonder, “What the heck is going on with my skin?” 

That’s why we’re sharing a few tips to help your skin glow like back in the day. You’re the most fabulous version of yourself right now and practicing these tips on the regular will make sure your skin look the part:

Tip #1: Put Sunscreen on Speed Dial

While this is by no means new advice, we can’t help but holler it from the rooftops – Wear Sunscreen! 

Sunscreen protects your beautiful, maturing skin from appearing dull, dry and loose over time. Sun spots and pigmentation changes can make more surprise appearances in your 40s and 50s than they did the decade before. Sunscreen lets them know it’s not their time yet. 

Tip #2: Shake Off the Dead Skin

Does your skin look and feel duller and dryer than usual? It’s not you, girlfriend. It’s the loss of collagen. Our bodies lose 1% every year after we hit our 20s, and when we hit half-time, some of those changes are more visible.

There’s a fabulous glow waiting for you underneath the dryness. You just have to exfoliate a bit more to reveal it. Find an exfoliator and an exfoliating schedule that doesn’t irritate your skin and you’ll be well on your way to smooth, radiant skin. 

Tip #3: Keep it Supple with Serums

Exfoliation’s best girlfriend is a woman named moisture. Sure, you’ve probably already got a reliable moisturizer to call on, but do you have serums? 

Serums with antioxidants, peptides and retinol can boost the hydrating properties of your favorite moisturizer, smooth your skin, help fill in fine lines and boost elasticity. Go for heavy creams at night with high-quality ingredients. 

Remember: A little extra moisture can make a big difference.

Tip #4: Give Your Neck, Hands and Chest Some Extra TLC

Aging is a beautiful thing – but sometimes you don’t want to give away the exact details too soon. The skin on your neck, hands and chest can sometimes spoil your secrets.

During your morning and night routines, lavish these areas with some extra love – heavier creams, more moisturizing ingredients and regular exfoliation will keep your skin bright, radiant and supple. Don’t forget to slather on the sunscreen too!

Your skin in your 40s and beyond is beautiful and your skin’s natural glow is proof that you’ve lived a fabulous first half of your life. These tips can help your skin be prepared for wherever the second half takes you.


Anti-aging, where? We’re not aging, we’re getting finer like wine. Whether it’s about getting your skin right in your 40s, navigating your relationships or redefining your style, Gurl U R Not Alone is here to give you the real deal.

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