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Success Strategies: 4 Timeless Tips for Female Entrepreneurs

hi there! we are abbie & tonya, best friends in the business of inspiring, motivating and lifting women up


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Becoming an entrepreneur is one of the most rewarding things a woman can do for herself, especially at life’s half-time. As your own boss, you set the tone for how you’re going to live your life. You make the rules and you get to chart the course ahead.

Now, rocking an independent lifestyle can be very freeing, but running a business comes with challenges, too. As you continue on your entrepreneurial journey, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Tip #1: Invest in Yourself

As a business owner, YOU are your biggest return on investment. That’s why investing in your growth and education is essential if you want to truly master your craft and provide your clients with a top-notch experience.

Never stop learning. Keep up with the latest industry info. And don’t be afraid to try new things.

Tip #2: Network

Entrepreneurship can be VERY lonely, especially if you run an online business. It’s too easy to stare at a screen all day long without talking to actual people. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Network with other business owners in and out of your industry, connect with clients and attend in-person (when it’s safe) and online networking events. WHO you know is just as important as what you know.

Tip #3: Kick Negativity to the Curb

You see, entrepreneurship is all about creating the life and business YOU want. This means negativity is not allowed.

Whether it’s someone who works for you or someone who you’re working for, don’t be afraid to drop clients or contractors that don’t make you feel good.

Tip #4: Ask for Feedback.

Asking your clients for feedback can be a slippery slope, but customers can provide critical information that will help you become a better, more successful and profitable businesswoman.

Checking in with your customers on a regular basis also lets them know that you value their opinions and appreciate their patronage.


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