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Starting Over in Your Career? Here’s What You Need to Know

hi there! we are abbie & tonya, best friends in the business of inspiring, motivating and lifting women up


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Feeling that tug on your soul to switch things up? If so, you are not alone! Our 40s and 50s are when we get massive clarity on how we really want to spend our time.

Considering we spend most of our waking hours at work, it’s important that your career is one you love.

But having said that, you might be scared or unsure of how to make the transition to entrepreneurship.

Here are three things you should keep in mind when deciding to make a career switch:

Tip #1: Reframe how you’re thinking about it.

Before we jump into the tangible tips, first ensure your mindset is in the right place. You see, more often than not it’s our minds that get in our way, not a lack of knowledge.

You’re not starting over – rather, you’re switching careers. You have at least a decade of expertise at this point and now you’re just applying it to a different field.

You’re not starting over; you’re upgrading.

Tip #2: Get clear on your strengths.

When you’re switching careers, the skills and knowledge you have are what will help you with a new job and the opportunities that come with it. Tap into and get clear on what your strengths are and how they can be applied to your new industry or job.

And before you think they aren’t, know your skills are almost always transferrable.

Tip #3: Build & Leverage Your Network

Whether you’re going out on your own or looking for a new job, networking is essential. Let your network know you’re looking for a new opportunity. Tell them you’ve recently started a company. Get clear on your goals and communicate that to your network. Think family, past coworkers and bosses, recruiters and more.

When it comes to entrepreneurship, awareness is the game. Get your business in front of as many people as possible so you can get clear on who you want to work with and who you serve.

Here’s the deal: Changing careers is entirely possible. You just have to believe it is, put yourself out there, leverage your network and never give up.


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