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5 Success Strategies for Entrepreneurs Over 40

hi there! we are abbie & tonya, best friends in the business of inspiring, motivating and lifting women up


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Becoming an entrepreneur can be especially rewarding for women over 40. More freedom, flexibility and unlimited income potential are just a few of the perks. Plus, no matter what your age, there is nothing more empowering than being your own boss.

However, that doesn’t mean entrepreneurship is without challenges.

There’ll be days when you want to throw in the towel, but there’ll also be days when you’re brimming with pride and joy over the business you created.

Here are a few tips you can use to stay ahead of the competition and succeed as an entrepreneur:

Tip #1: Never Stop Learning

Complacency has killed off many previously successful businesses. As an entrepreneur, there’s always something new you can learn to improve your brand. Create a yearly education budget for yourself so you can keep your skills sharp and always bring your best to your clients.

Tip #2: Hire Help

As women, it’s so easy to put on our superwoman capes and just do it ourselves. But growth as an entrepreneur requires us to stay in our genius. The best way to do that is to employ others for tasks that you might not be so great at. Hire help to fill in the gaps, whether that’s a VA, a graphic designer or even a copywriter.

Tip #3: Network

Entrepreneurship can be lonely – that’s why it’s super important to find other business owners just like you to connect with. Share stories, refer clients to each other and expand your inner circle so you always have someone to turn to.

Tip #4: Set Goals and Stick to Them

Did you know most entrepreneurs don’t set goals? Stand out from the crowd and ensure your success by making smart, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-bound goals. Then break them down further into smaller steps and stick to your plan!

Tip #5: Focus on Your Customer

Without customers, you don’t have a business. Make improving your customers’ lives your main priority and your business will succeed no matter what happens in the marketplace.


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