designed with you in mind

tips, tricks & resources

The Blog

Many of us get stuck in old beliefs or make false assumptions that prevent us from making a change for the better. Here are some of the most common myths about changing careers and what you can do to overcome them.

3 Myths About Starting Over After 40

blog, Business, Lifestyle

Reaching your 40s and 50s is incredibly rewarding in so many ways. But sometimes the changes that come with maturity can affect intimacy and your love life.

5 Ways to Rev Up Intimacy After 40

blog, Health & Wellness

FACT: Gray, thinning and shedding hair is a natural part of aging. Whether it stems from stress, menopause or unhealthy styling habits you picked up when you were in your 20s and 30s, the fact remains that your hair can decide to have its own midlife crisis.  Now, while there’s nothing wrong with aging (or […]

Thicker, Fuller Hair After 40 Is Possible


Your skin in your 40s and beyond is beautiful and your skin’s natural glow is proof that you’ve lived a fabulous first half of your life. These tips can help your skin be prepared for wherever the second half takes you.

4 Gen-X Approved Tips for Radiant Skin


You CAN be successful after 40. In fact, you might be in a better position to achieve success later in life instead of earlier.

Why Success After 40 Is So Much Sweeter

blog, Business

Whether your half-time show is just starting or it’s well underway, one of the keys to looking – and feeling – fabulous is fitness.  Sure, you may not have the same body as you did when you were younger, but it’s still as beautiful as ever. And while no one can turn back the clock, […]

6 Ways to Stay Fit and Fabulous in Your 40s

Health & Wellness

Menopause. It’s a word most women don’t want to think about, much less talk about. But it’s something we all go through. Experiencing menopause is a natural part of life.  You shouldn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed by it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult to handle at times. Mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats […]

4 Essential Tips for Managing Menopause

Health & Wellness

Shopping for swimwear can be challenging, especially when your “girls” aren’t sitting like they did when you were in your 20’s.

Five Tips for Finding Flattering Swimwear When You’re Over 40


Prince Harry’s and Meghan’s interview with Oprah about racism, mental health, media, and other members of the Royal family sent shockwaves around the globe. But amidst the salaciousness and spectacle, there are real lessons to take away especially for the women of color.

7 Lessons of Strength for Women of Color: Meghan and Prince Harry’s Oprah Interview


This Women’s History Month, let’s take the opportunity and time to show your appreciation and say thank you; give someone a shout-out and recognition that she deserves!

Celebrating Women’s History Month with a “Pop”
